Saturday, November 28, 2009

This Week, We're Getting Plastered

Dear Ridgers

This week we're down to a crew of two, with Nathan having worked his last day on Ruth's Ridge this Friday past. I'll miss him, his work, sardonic wit and love of all sayings pessimistic – his favourite website being

Delaeno is also wrapping up his time on the Ridge, with some soffit installation to complete, garage door openers to install and a couple of doors to adjust. By week's end I will be the sole grunt on the project. I can hardly believe this phase is coming to an end.

That said our friend, David Ives, and his nephew, Dale, will join us on Tuesday to get Ruth's Ridge plastered.

It was a delight to find new followers of this blog this past week. This morning at church, Muriel Conner mentioned that even her sister in England was reading the blog. "Margaret Ivory is your sister?" I asked. Hi, Margaret. I'm sorry I haven't been giving Muriel enough hugs of late, but it's time to get back to regular church attendance now that we're close to having the world's most elaborate camping facility.

Yep, as soon as the taping and plastering are done and Ruth & I have primed the interior, we're going to camp out in the house. I should be able to get one washroom plumbed and, with a microwave, toaster oven, kettle, mini-convection oven, we'll muddle through as complete the finishing work that looms months into the future.

Anyway, it's the first Sunday of Advent and we need to be back at church in 30 minutes to prepare for the Festival of Lessons and Carols at 4:30.

Much for which to be grateful, much to look forward to, much energy to pray for. Soon we'll have an internet connection on the Ridge and, then, I'll be able to do a bit more extensive blogging, maybe filling in some of the gaps in the story of our little story.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Festival of Lessons and Carols...It's been a very long time since I did that. Glad to see you will be "camping" in your new abode. Very cozy...and romantic!
