Monday, September 14, 2009

A Subterranean & Superstructure Day

Just a quick update this evening... the day's efforts and the warm temperatures have drained my batteries.

A fortuitous call from George Taplin last evening to say they'd be up today to install the septic tank. An unfortunate call from Davis this morning to say that some bad food on Sunday had him playing Pong between his bed and the washroom.

The morning was glorious, though, as the sun filtered through early morning fog. After tidying the site, I started in on the master bedroom interior walls which, of course, prompted the Taplins' arrival. Unfortunately, the utility pump that has been at work in the sump pit for the past few weeks had partially clogged over the weekend, so we set to work draining the basement swamp with the gas-powered trash pump.

Meanwhile Delaeno & Nathan got to work on sheathing the great room and tweaking the trusses as they worked their way around.

By 6:30, the Taplins (with the help of their new hire, Phil) had also trenched about half of the septic line out to the field, the Bros. Rempel had largely completed the sheathing – and finally debugged all the trusses, and I had managed to frame up half of the MBR walls.

Another magnificent four days are forecast for our build site.

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