Wednesday, September 2, 2009

In Sun We Trussed

Dear Friends of Ruth's Ridge

Another perfect summer day, with temperatures moving above the mid 20s and a light breeze out of the South.

I couldn't believe the size of the load Superior Truss dropped beside the house on Monday afternoon. More surprising is the shrinkage that load has undergone in just over two working days. Admittedly, most of the trusses have only been distributed to their general locations, but the longest and heaviest trusses are up and positioned. The garage trusses span 26' and measure 10.5' from bottom of plate to peak. They each weigh over 100 lbs., I'm sure. Each was carried from the pile on the West side of the house, around to the East side, then balanced upside-down on the two wall plates. Davis & Delaeno then climbed onto the plates, while Nathan & I used 14' studs to push the peak upright, at which point D & D then centred the truss and nailed it in position. The effort was literally staggering.

By end of day, the bonus room above the garage had sub-flooring. By tomorrow evening, I imagine we'll have the remaining trusses over the mudroom and workshop in place. Despite the intense effort and grunt work involved, we are making great progress.

Today the windows arrived, next week the doors show up in Winnipeg. The race is on to get Ruth's Ridge to lock-up by October, when we'll need to be evacuating our home in Winnipeg.

One day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Dad,

    Finally got caught up on all the Ridge reading – and I must say, I am humbly/staggeringly impressed. I can't believe how much you've all accomplished. My sincerest respect and admiration goes to all of you. I can't wait to come and see it in person.

    Coffee soon?

