Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Now with More Character than the Floor of the Freakin' House of Commons

Yes, I'm on to other items on the to-do list, thanks to the completion of the hardwood flooring component on Ruth's Ridge.
I've described this house as having more angles than a federal politician. Now it can also be said that, with the Country Maple flooring installed and finished, Ruth's Ridge has more character than the House of Commons when it's in session.
Larry, the owner of Beaver Flooring, and his assistant, JP, showed last Wednesday with a van full of noisy equipment, prepared to lay siege to all the rough bits of the hardwood I'd spent over 20 days installing. My overriding concern had been whether they would fall over laughing at my novice efforts, but they seemed genuinely pleased with what I had been able to accomplish. After the get-acquainted session and a walk-around, they brought out the Hummel floor sander and got to work.
The process of finishing a maple hardwood floor involves sanding the entire floor with 40-grit, then 80-grit, then 100-grit, and then screening the entire floor with a 100-grit metal screen attached to a circular buffer. Thereafter, once the edges have been sanded twice with a hand-held circular sander, the sealer/filler is applied, followed by the penetrating oil, which is buffed off with #2 steel wool after an hour or so. Lastly, a second misted coating of oil is buffed off.
That final buffing was completed just after lunch on Sunday.

The completion of the wood flooring allowed us to release the cats from their basement prison and add our last animal, Chester, the loud orange puss-cat. Happily, the weather has turned wonderfully warm here in Manitoba, so we've been able to crack the windows and air the petroleum odours fairly successfully.

Yesterday, Jim Rodger phoned to say they had heard Sandhill Cranes and had Goldfinches at their feeders. Today I heard a Meadow Lark, but no nailers, compressors, sanders or buffers. Oh, also the occasional hiss or yowl as the three cats try to find peace amongst themselves.

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