Today was the latter. I finally screwed up my determination and tackled the sump pump backup installation, knowing that the rain outside would soon be in our weeping tiles. Sure enough, about 30 minutes into the project, the volume tripled as if someone had opened a tap. Now, if the main pump fails, a second pump set 12" higher will kick in. Now to cover off the eventualities of a power failure while we're gone, etc., etc. Nah!
Following on the interrupted start of the backdoor deck, I was out in the sun by 8:40 Saturday morning. By 7:30 p.m., this is what the final result looked like. Now for a little lattice around the base and that project is complete.
Back to today. After the skies cleared, it seemed like a good idea to start in on cleaning up the detritus of Friday's mini-tornado (or whatever you call winds of 90+ kph). On an evening walk in the rain with Fercos yesterday, I did a rough count of snapped or felled trees in the lower half of our property. That number is now on the order of 75-80. This includes dead trees all the way up to healthy trees with trunk bases of up to 20".
This trailer-load represents the canopy of one Balsam Poplar that went down near the front of the yard. One done, 70-some to go.